Thursday 1 September 2016

Book Review #2: PANORAMA by Shilpi Chaklanobis

Book name: PANORAMA - A Collection of Short Stories
Author: Shilpi Chaklanobis
Published by: Notionpress
Genre: Fiction, Contemporary
Pages: 134


First of all, congratulations to the author on a smashing debut!

Now, the pointers.

1. Every story in the book is unique and conveys a message.
2. The prose, the characters, their stories and back stories have been penned beautifully.
3. The blurb is appealing, so is the cover and then typeset.

1.  The consistency is a point at which the book somewhat falters. The messages are strong in each story, no doubt, but it's the presentation consistency where it fails.
2. As stated in point 1, the presentation is consistent from story #1 till #9, which starts to falter from #10 and doesn't gain momentum until the last two stories of this collection.
3. Apart from that, I found some punctuation errors at a few places and some indenting errors. But these can be overlooked because the core strength of the book lies in its prose.

Hence, overall it's a wonderful read for the normal readers and experienced ones, alike.

Blurb - 4/5
Premise(s) - 4/5
Cover - 3.5/5
Presentation - 3.8/5

Overall rating - 4/5

1 comment:

  1. very poetic. To launch a Children's book, reviews are very important. Try to get more visibility and sales in a crowded marketplace.
